Thanks for Joseph Chan for these pictures of the party, which took place in St. Mary's Hall on Sunday 9th February 2025.
Three new members were enrolled into the Guild of St. Stephen at the St. Stephen's Day Mass on 26th December 2024.
Parishioners from across Guildford gathered at St. Pius to meet with the town's new MP - Zoe Franklin. Questions were submitted ahead of the meeting and it was a good opportunity for the church community to get to know Zoe better and to speak with one Catholic voice about important matters that we hold dear.
The parish said farewell to Fr. Tristan who is moving to Horsham. After a beautiful Mass at St. Mary's, the community celebrated and wished Fr. Tristan well with a party at St. Joseph's School.
The Xavier Catholic Education Trust celebrated its start of term Mass at St Joseph's, with Headteachers returning to their schools with a candle blessed by Mgr. Tony to use during worship throughout the year.
St. Joseph's celebrated its 40th Anniversary this weekend, with the support of Bishop Richard, who blessed the newly installed stained glass windows depicting Mary, Joseph and John. A great party was enjoyed afterwards - with thanks to Carlos and Cynthia for the stunning photos. Deacon Michael Phillips was congratulated after Mass on 27th June 2024, the 15th anniversary of his Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate.
A fantastic start to another term of Focus (school years 10-13). Indoor hockey, games, and amazing chat about faith and life. We are so blessed in our parish to have this space for young people to meet every week.
The Parish celebrates the Feast day of St. Stephen, the patron Saint of Altar Servers. Congratulations to James on receiving his silver medal for 10 years' service, to Joseph, Elizabeth and Anna for receiving certificates of merit, and many congratulations to Carlo, who was enrolled to the Guild of St. Stephen.
In this month of November when we remember all the Holy Souls a Bereavement Liturgy was held at St. Mary's. It was a lovely service taken by Deacon Ian and the parishioners who attended were able to remember their loved ones and light a candle on the altar for the repose of their souls..
On a Sunday in November, 30 adult Enquirers at Mass were welcomed by Fr Roy, introduced to the congregation and prayed for. They had been meeting weekly since September and are preparing for Baptism and/or Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. One of the stages in their faith journey will be the Rite of Election at the beginning of Lent, when with others from the diocese they will meet Bishop Richard at Arundel Cathedral.
Their preparation consists of teaching, discussion and prayer. We have a Team of eight Catechists. Please keep the group in your prayers. According to the Prophet Jonah, Nineveh took three days to cross. This fact came to mind when looking at the vast area Stoke Municipal Cemetery covers. Not to be dismayed, your three priests, with a goodly accompaniment of parishioners (last year about six, this year nearer sixty) blessed the graves of loved ones over much of the cemetery area. Appropriate footwear was donned and clerical cloaks flung round expecting wind and rain. However, it turned out to be a very pleasant and sunny afternoon.
Great fun was had by all at our action-packed Summer Club! Led by an energetic group of young leaders, over 40 children came to explore the theme of "Faith, Hope and Love" through games, group discussions and craft activities.
)Scott has also arrived, as one of the Group Leaders, and immediately started giving interviews to the International Press i.e. Scotland!
Fr. Tristan, one of the three priests acting as Chaplains to the Diocesan Youth Group at WYD arrives in Lisbon - making a discreet entrance!
Joining Bishop Richard are 114 Assisted Pilgrims, 99 Pilgrims, 186 Helpers and Leaders, 56 Redshirts and Leaders, 33 Nurses, Registered Mental Health Nurses and Health Care Assistants, 7 Doctors, 24 Chaplains, 10 Assistant Chaplains and 33 Support Team members. Please keep them all in your prayers. Writing in this year's Pilgrimage Handbook, Bishop Richard says: "The theme in Lourdes this year 'Go and tell the priests to build a chapel here' speaks to me not only of the Basilica of Lourdes and the blessings that flow in Lourdes, but also of the 'living stones, building a spiritual house' (1 Pt. 2:5). We are the Church, the Body of Christ, each living stone with the gifts and talents that we have received from the Lord. When the time comes for us to return home, may we return as 'living stones' firm in faith, growing in hope with the love that will enable is to truly build the Kingdom of God." In the picture, which shows the Blessed Sacrament Procession starting to form-up, our own Deacon Eddie is on the right-hand side of the Altar. If you would like to follow the Pilgrimage click for The pilgrims Handbook.. The Livestream Camera for `Key events can be found HERE The highlight of the parish's youth calendar, ROOTED Weekend Away, was held from the 7th to the 9th of July 2023 with 85 young people across the parish. Our theme for the weekend was "learning how to see". On Friday night, Aseel delivered a talk that focused on learning to see God's creation and our place in it - setting the scene for the Weekend. Saturday was packed with small group time, games, outdoor activities, workshops led by Sr Oneng and Fr Tristan, prayer, worship, adoration, and reconciliation. The weekend culminated in Mass on Sunday morning. It was such a blessed weekend, and the young people were engaged, respectful and great company all weekend. A big thank you goes out to our volunteer team, who gave so much time to help make this weekend a success (half of whom were once young people at Rooted themselves!). We also thank all the supporters of Rooted, whether offering financial support or prayers – again, we couldn't do this without you. We can't wait until next year. Bring on Rooted 2024! We were entertained by an uplifting and lively performance by the Rock Choir before enjoying a cup of tea and homemade cakes prepared by our friendly team of volunteers.
Kicking off with a delicious home-cooked lunch, over 40 parishioners gathered last Saturday at our Parish Retreat for an afternoon of prayer, personal reflection and community-building.
February 2025