Formation tries to weave a number of strands into a complex whole. Our growth to mature faith is nurtured by a community of faith to which we can really belong and to which we offer our individual gifts and talents. It is strengthened by Sacraments, liturgy and personal prayer. It involves the whole of our lives not just what happens at church. It informs how we deal with life’s joys and sorrows. It begins with the youngest and continues throughout our lives. It provides support for families and for single people and those with diverse orientations and life styles.
Across the parish we are already doing many things that play their part in formation. The Formation Team works to continue to develop a well-planned and ongoing programme that meets the varied needs of all parishioners wherever they are on their journey of faith.
Who is on the Committee?
Zelma Braganza (Chair) Tina Nichols Leigh-Anne Van Graan Fr Roy Waters Sinclair Webster
Courses on offer this year (2023-24)
Autumn 2023 – Summer 2024
Adventurous Accompaniment
Day for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Day for Ministers of the Word
“Invited” Advent 2023 (Diocesan programme available online and in small groups in the parish)
“Invited” Lent 2024 (Diocesan programme available online and in small groups in the parish)
Courses/Programmes on offer in the Autumn Term 2024 - to be confirmed:
“Invited” Advent 2024 (Diocesan programme available online and in parish small groups)
Sacramental Preparation programmes
These are offered during the course of the year and include:
Preparation for Baptism
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Preparation for Confirmation
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Marriage Preparation programme
Please note that Registration is required for these programmes and that the majority of them start in the Autumn Term.
Please contact the Parish Office for further details of the Sacramental Preparation programmes.