People who are interested in exploring the Catholic Faith, as well as adult Catholics seeking Confirmation, are invited to join a process known as the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
This runs from late September to May on Tuesday evenings. We meet together locally for teaching, lively discussion in smaller groups and prayer. No commitment is asked for the first few months and in fact participants are free to leave at any time. Those who stay and want to be received into the Catholic Church will do so at Easter. |
If visiting our website is a first step back towards the Church we are very pleased to welcome you! Take as much time as you want to see what we are like. Masses are streamed daily through the website on our live stream page. Join us for Mass in-person and discover what it's like now and to see how our parish might serve your needs. Although the core of the Mass (the Eucharist) never changes and is at the heart of our faith, often the way we come to that sacred place is important.
Most masses use large projector screens that display much of the liturgy or responses during the mass, so you need not worry about knowing the new Liturgy and these will help you if you are uncertain when it is appropriate to stand, kneel, sit, etc. You might be surprised by just how familiar and comfortable it feels to be in church, but whether it feels good or not, taking the opportunity to chat with our clergy team may be just the thing you need to do. Their advice and help could be all you need to find a path through the tangles of past emotions and present needs to help you find your place here in the Catholic Parish of Guildford |
THE SCHEDULEWeekly meetings take place on a Tuesday (starting at 7.30 pm) over three terms to share and learn about Catholic Christianity. The course starts in the Autumn, running until May.
Some liturgical celebrations at Sunday Masses take place to mark stages in the candidates faith journey. The climax builds through Lent and Holy Week to the summit of the Easter Vigil when baptism, confirmation and first Communion are conferred. The group continues to meet for a few weeks, finishing with a celebration before Pentecost. INTERESTED?If you would like to be part of that process or know of someone who may be interested in becoming a member of our Church, then please do get sign up via the form above, or if you have queries please contact the course coordinator Jan Burr through the form. If you're not baptised or confirmed or are a member of another Christian denomination - then the RCIA would be able to help.