Within the Guildford Parish, there are a number of paid staff and clergy, details are shown below.
Monsignor Tony Barry was ordained in 1985 he served as Assistant Priest in Caterham and Chichester before serving as Private Secretary to Bishop Cormac. In 2001 he was appointed as Episcopal Vicar for Pastoral Affairs and Director of the Diocesan Education & Pastoral Centre. During this time he also served as Moderator of the Crawley Parish working with three brother priests, a Deacon a Parish Sister and large number of parish volunteers. In 2017 he was appointed Moderator of the Guildford Parish and Episcopal Vicar for Surrey. In 2018 he was installed as a Canon of Arundel Cathedral. In 2022 he was appointed Dean of the Guildford Deanery.
Fr Roy Waters was ordained Deacon in 2002 at Chilworth Friary following a career in telecommunications and served there until the Franciscans sold the building to the Benedictines in 2010. For the next seven years he served in the parish of Cranleigh and Bramley. Following the death of his wife Hilary, he was ordained priest in Arundel Cathedral in May 2017 and appointed to the Catholic Parish of Guildford. He has two married sons and three grandchildren.
Fr Eddie Hopkins grew up in Surrey, attending Mass in the Parish of the Nativity of the Lord in Redhill, Reigate and Merstham. He began his working life in education, teaching English to immigrants and refugees before joining St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Dorking as a Pastoral Assistant. Reflecting on what he was particularly looking forward to in his ministry as a newly ordained priest, Fr Eddie said: “Celebrating Holy Mass and hearing confessions are definitely the things I am most excited (and nervous) about. It will be wonderful as well to be part of a parish community and to begin to get to know everyone.”
Admin Staff
Children, Youth and Families Staff

Aseel Gilbert is the Children, Youth and Families coordinator for the Catholic Parish of Guildford. She coordinates all CYF activities in the Parish including the First Holy Communion and Confirmation courses.