Preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time can be one of the most memorable experiences parents share with their children.
The FHC programme in Guildford aims to support and enable parents to live out their calling as the first and best accompaniers of the faith for their children.
Fearless (Just for children)
Children in Year 3 and above are encouraged to join our weekly youth formation group Fearless, held during term time either in-person from 5.15pm. We have found that children preparing for First Holy Communion particularly benefit from joining Fearless as it really helps to grow their faith and integrate into the community with their peers. Mass (Bring the whole family)
Families are asked to attend Mass in person weekly. Taught Mass Towards the end of the programme, there is a taught Mass. Different aspects of the Mass are explained by the Priests, while Mass is celebrated. FHC Masses We will publish dates and open tickets for these only after the Reconciliation Family Day to those continuing on the course. |
Family Days (for the whole family)
These are fun ways to dig a bit deeper into the faith and teaching of the church. The hall is decorated beautifully and families explore the different interactive stations together in their own time. These are held in person at St Joseph's Church Hall. These are for you, your FHC (First Holy Communion) child and your family. Feedback from previous years confirms that these are a real highlight of the course. Each of them covers a key area, and you will need to attend them all. The Reconciliation Family Day in March, is when children (who will be continuing the course) receive the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Our Job is to Support You.Parents are the first and best accompaniers in the Faith and they are guided through the preparation by the Children, Youth and Families Team to give them the tools and confidence to pass on the faith to their children.
While it is understood that circumstances can change and that a family finds themselves sometimes unable to attend Sunday Mass, the Parent sessions or a Family Day – the result is that a child will not be properly prepared. In this situation, it may be appropriate to suggest that a child wait another year to fill in some missed gaps. Please be assured that we want to support you in any way we can, and the catechists and priests are always available to discuss the options if needed. |
FAMILY HANDOUTS (parents & children)
At the beginning of the programme you will be sent 7 colourful, engaging handouts to work through each month with your child. The content on the handouts is covered at the parent sessions. The handouts are a great way to begin conversations about faith at home & to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Parent sessions (just for parents)
These sessions are just for adults; your child should not attend with you. We ask parents to join us for 7 parents’ sessions, which will be held mainly on Zoom. At these sessions we will go through the story we would like you to share with your child at home giving you an opportunity to reflect on the topics with your peers first. It is essential that a parent or guardian for each child attends each of these meetings. |