The Catholic Parish of Guildford welcome couples wishing to get married in our parish. We, the priests, deacons and people of the Guildford community are witnesses to something special each time a wedding takes place in our churches, or even when we just prepare a couple for a wedding that is to take place elsewhere, sometimes on the other side of the world.
We would like to assure you of our prayers, not only for a successful and happy day, but also for a fulfilling life together for the rest of your lives. Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and we will do all that we can to help you arrange it as you wish.
Steps to get married in the Catholic Parish of Guildford.
Register yourself and partner on the parish database if you are not on it already.
Contact the Parish office using the contact form below to arrange an appointment to meet a priest to discuss the process of marriage within the Catholic Church. When you have met with the priest he will give you a direct link to enrol on our Marriage Preparation Course.
First make contact with your own parish priest and explain that you wish to be married in Catholic Parish of Guildford parish.
He needs to be agreeable and will then commence your wedding paperwork.
You must also get the agreement from the Guildford Parish Priest here and to book a date for your wedding.
Expression of Interest Form.
Please fill in the form below and then the priest will get back to you to make an appointment.
Some Important Information.
Your parish is the local Catholic Church which has pastoral responsibility for the area in which you live.
Do not obtain any certificates/permissions before seeing the Priest, he will tell you when and how to do this.
Your Parish Priest will give you all necessary further information you need, ie, Wedding Preparation Course, Certificates required, Service arrangements, Rehearsal etc.
Marriage preparation Course
A Key part of the process of being married in the catholic Church is attending our Marriage preparation course. The course runs in the spring and autumn of each year, and after contacting us via the form above and meeting the priest, you will be able to sign up for the next course
Engaged couples who attend these courses enjoy them very much and it gives them an opportunity to take some time out from all the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations to talk to each other about their relationship. No one can tell you how to have a successful marriage. There is no magic formula and all marriages are unique. The course merely gives you the opportunity to explore your hopes and fears for the future and to ask yourself very seriously: Is this the person I want to share the rest of my life with, “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part”? When does the course run? The Guildford parishes run 2 courses each year, one in February/March and another in September/October. They are led by a team of five married couples and take place in St Joseph’s Hall. What are the course topics? There are 4 sessions and it is important to attend them all as each one covers a different topic. The first three sessions are held weekly, usually on a Wednesday evening, from 8.00 – 10.00 pm. The final session is held during the day on the Sunday following the third session and includes a Blessing of Engagement at the 10.30 am Mass. Each course will typically have about 12 couples many of whom will consist of a Catholic and non-Catholic partner. We try where possible to make alternative arrangements for couples who have problems with course dates. The sessions cover:
“Your sort of Marriage”,
“Communication and Problem Solving”,
“Loving Relationships and Parenthood,
“Marriage as Sacrament and Covenant”.
Is there a charge? There is no charge for the course although couples are asked at the final session if they would like to make a small voluntary donation towards the costs of materials and refreshments.. Do we get a certificate? A Certificate of Attendance is provided for all couples who complete the course. Who do I contact to enquire about the course? You can discuss queries with the priest you are meeting.
Tina and John Nichols appear on the BBC's Songs of Praise talking about their marriage and the marriage preparation course that they run in our parish for engaged couples.