As you will know, on Tuesday the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church published its final report. The Bishops Conference published a statement in which they said:
“An important aspect of the Inquiry’s work was the voice given to victims and survivors of abuse, including the accounts which they gave of their subsequent engagement with the Church. Listening attentively to their witness testimony has brought into sharp relief the extent of the damage this sexual abuse has had on their lives.
We apologise to all victims and survivors who have not been properly listened to, or properly supported by us. By listening with humility to those who have suffered, we can contribute to the healing of the wounds of abuse, as well as learn from those most directly affected how we must improve the Church’s safeguarding standards, policies and procedures.”
Bishop Richard has written to ask for our prayers for the meeting of the Bishops’ of our country which is taking place this coming week to discuss the IICSA Report and its recommendations.
The Bishop has also sent Prayers of the Faithful to be used at the Masses this weekend. They begin:
For the survivors of Abuse - that they may find effective support and true healing for the sufferings they have experienced.
On behalf of the whole Church in reparation for sins against the vulnerable and young, especially those perpetrated by clergy and others in a position of trust.
These are prayers which Fr. Roy, Fr. Thomas and myself will be praying in our Chapel each day at morning prayer.
Bishop Richard concluded his letter to the Priests asking:
On the morning of Friday 20th November, I shall be offering Mass ‘For Reconciliation’ and using one of the Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation, in reparation for the sins of abuse in the Church. I would ask you, if possible, to celebrate, that day, this same Mass for this same intention.
This is something that the three of us priests want to do. We will concelebrate the 10am Livestream Mass next Friday (Nov. 20th) and we are grateful to those who had booked Intentions for making this possible.
Finally, we would want to assure you of our prayers and of our commitment to the work of safeguarding. We are deeply grateful to all those in this parish, particularly those involved in Safeguarding and working with young people and the vulnerable. We pray that together we can make the parish a safe place for all.
The Bishop has also sent Prayers of the Faithful to be used at the Masses this weekend. They begin:
For the survivors of Abuse - that they may find effective support and true healing for the sufferings they have experienced.
On behalf of the whole Church in reparation for sins against the vulnerable and young, especially those perpetrated by clergy and others in a position of trust.
These are prayers which Fr. Roy, Fr. Thomas and myself will be praying in our Chapel each day at morning prayer.
Bishop Richard concluded his letter to the Priests asking:
On the morning of Friday 20th November, I shall be offering Mass ‘For Reconciliation’ and using one of the Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation, in reparation for the sins of abuse in the Church. I would ask you, if possible, to celebrate, that day, this same Mass for this same intention.
This is something that the three of us priests want to do. We will concelebrate the 10am Livestream Mass next Friday (Nov. 20th) and we are grateful to those who had booked Intentions for making this possible.
Finally, we would want to assure you of our prayers and of our commitment to the work of safeguarding. We are deeply grateful to all those in this parish, particularly those involved in Safeguarding and working with young people and the vulnerable. We pray that together we can make the parish a safe place for all.
Mgr Tony, Fr Roy and Fr Thomas